⚠️There seem to be a particular api error for nfts. KOALA Reward is affected.⚠️
Liquidity Pools

Weekly Payout Announcement

Weekends are payout day for the World of Smelly Koala!

1️⃣World of Smelly Koala Telegram Game Payout
A Card Battle RPG Game using NFTs

416 KC / 165 WAX
Play: https://t.me/cskdrops

2️⃣KCHAT Communities and Farm
A KCHAT Communities KPASS provides benefits such as FREE NFTs from various collections and KCHAT tokens for kind, meaningful chats on participating WAX telegram communities (42 groups)
A Koala Farm produces daily KCHAT tokens passively.

KCHAT Payout ❤️ PAYOUT: 6169 KCHAT 1046 WAX 🐨
KOALA FARM Payout Completed 🌻 PAYOUT: 71 KCHAT 12.8 WAX 🐨
Telegram Group: https://t.me/kchathq
Buy KCHAT Pass: https://go.worldofsmellykoala.com/joinkchat

3️⃣ Further Readings

Read about KCHAT Communities: https://go.worldofsmellykoala.com/kchat
START a KOALA FARM for DAILY PASSIVE KCHAT token: https://worldofsmellykoala.com/koala-farm
Visit us at https://worldofsmellykoala.com/

4️⃣World of Smelly Koala Metaverse Tokens are on ALCOR Swap

KOALA coin, powers the entire World of Smelly Koala Metaverse. Currently a game token of the World of Smelly Koala Telegram Battle Game.
ALCOR Swap: https://wax.alcor.exchange/swap?output=KOALA-appsbmtokens&input=WAX-eosio.token

KCHAT coin, powers our social community initiative for kinder and more meaningful chats. Used in KCHAT Communities on Telegram and Koala Farm on the web.
ALCOR Swap: https://wax.alcor.exchange/swap?output=KCHAT-appsbmtokens&input=WAX-eosio.token

Kindness, Love and Joy
All Rights Reserved